XnView Metadata HOW



XnView(二) -- 瀏覽圖片.擷取螢幕- amy


camera raw - readview settings difference

You have a RAW flag when loading RAW in preview or tab, and when using convert or 'Batch convert' Pierre.


xnview 功能實用不花俏,操作也非常簡易,免費、速度又快的看圖軟體,支援500種檔案格式,包含許多數位相機的RAW檔。 XnView 也提供方便的Screen Capture module(螢幕截取模式).

What's displayed when viewing raw image files

It depends on Settings>View - Camera RAW. If you select 'embedded preview', XnView try to extract the embedded JPEG, else RAW will loaded.

[PDF] Xnview 說明

在options 底下的讀取/寫入頁籤裡設定你要讀的Raw 檔的格式,這樣XnView 顯. 示出來的Raw 檔才會是正確的樣子。如果格式不同(size/scan way/...),Raw 檔就. 會顯示不正確。

Photos in RAW-format and XnViewMP

It is possible to take pictures both in RAW-format AND JPG-format together. Opening MS Explorer both files are visible (see Clipboard 1.jpg), whereas in ...

1.4.5 - viewer - opens RAW as 256x256x24

XnViewMP/Classic opens RAW files as 256x256x24, as there is no dialog to set its options (see ps example). Or am I missing something here?

Group raw and jpg Files

Is it possible to group RAW an JPG Files as one picture. And if there so - can i switch the Picture wich is in the Front of the Picturebrowser?

What image is displayed for raw files

XnView software currently only supports 24-bit colour, so images with a higher colour depth such as 48-bit are automatically converted to 24-bit ...

XnView: Image Viewer | Photo Viewer

XnView MP/Classic is a free Image Viewer to easily open and edit your photo file. The Image Viewer supports all major image formats. XnView MP · XnView Software · XnView PocketPC · XnView SmartPhone



XnView 2.51.2 免費的看圖軟體、影像轉檔專家

XnView 2.51.2 免費的看圖軟體、影像轉檔專家


CR2ToJpg - Canon Raw檔快速批次轉檔工具

CR2ToJpg - Canon Raw檔快速批次轉檔工具
